Monday, October 24, 2011

Types of Drip and Watering Systems

!: Types of Drip and Watering Systems

Okay, not all of us have the time to water every hanging plant, window box and every square foot of yard. Even if we did, it is easy to predict that most of us have had enough of watering once our hanging and potted plants have been tended. So, what are other viable options for our lawn, gardening areas, vegetable beds, and water features? Some are self-tending; all of them are efficient with little maintenance once installed.

Installed systems can reduce water consumption, especially handy in areas where water conservation is key. If you have a concern about the view of your garden with permanent irrigation devices showing, know that there are pop-up sprinklers which remain virtually hidden amidst your landscape to accommodate your needs. There are a number of different irrigation systems to choose from to ensure that your garden is kept sufficiently well-watered.

Drip systems can be installed below ground. They are extremely effective, releasing water directly to the root systems of the plants in your garden or even your greenhouse with no run-off or evaporation loss. As water is applied to the roots, not the leaves of your plants, drip systems reduce the possibilities of fungal and insect damage. They suit all soil, topography, and plant types, too.

Above-ground sprinkling systems ensure the areas that need to be watered are actually receiving the water. A variety of sprinkler heads can be installed. Many have adjustable flow rates.

Tired of spending time each week lifting your watering can or garden hose over your head? Believe it or not, there are also irrigation kits for window boxes, planters, roof gardens, hanging baskets, and more. These kits water your plants evenly and slowly, too, with no run-off water wasted. Irrigation kits can be attached to your garden hose or directly to your outdoor faucet easily - and can even be put on a timer.

Especially handy for drier climates, another method for saving time and water is to add a timed irrigation system. Of course, if your area enjoys a surplus of rainfall, you would turn the system off until your local water table (highest level of ground wholly saturated with water) and rainfall levels adjust back to normal.

For any of the drip system and permanent irrigation methods, you will want to plan your garden grouping together plants of similar watering requirements. Remember that more mature shrubs and blooms will need less water than new plantings. An adequate watering system is well worth the investment and will quickly pay for itself in money and time saved.

Types of Drip and Watering Systems

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Free Gardening Tips

!: Free Gardening Tips

Gardening Tip #1: If you want to save on time, start jotting down your gardening plan on a piece of paper. Keep the plan in front and call a friend to discuss the whole matter. A second opinion helps. You have to ensure its appearance and calculate the distance of the hose from it. Also if there are any sprinklers needed. This is over and above other points you may think of.

Gardening Tip #2: The way you have prepared your soil can decide whether you succeed in your gardening efforts. Remember that different plants need different types of soil. If your garden is planned to be vegetarian or herbal, make sure to use only organic fertilizers if you want the natural flavor of the food to remain. Try to replace ordinary fertilizers with good compost or even wooden chip mulch.

You might think that having a backyard compost heap something of an impossibility but it will be worth its weight in gold once it starts providing you with the goods. While fresh home brew compost is full of nutrients for the herb and vegetable garden, sometimes it proves to be slightly unrealistic. Though mulch is a good alternative to home compost mixture, ensure that you use redwood or pine as it breaks faster. Whether you use mulch, compost or fertilizer, you must mix them well.

Gardening Tip #3: Once the soil is ready, instead of planting the plants, simply lay them on the top of the soil, to have a final look at what your garden would look like, in case you want to make any last minute changes. I firmly believe it is wise to plant plants together that have similar characteristics. For instance, all plants which have similar radius should be planted close to each other. All tall plants at the back and shorter plants in the front make a lot of sense.

Gardening Tip #4: You must water your garden regularly. Keeping a well-maintained garden is hard labor, especially if your house is very big. An automatic watering system is best since it works on its own. Your automatic watering system can start from a huge sprinkling system to a small timer which is attached to the hose. Gardening is a rewarding hobby, which not only provides shade, beauty and sometimes food also! Find more interesting tips in [].

Free Gardening Tips

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

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